Wednesday, August 06, 2008

How can you complain?

Walking through the foyer this evening, Luis and I spotted the ball of orange yarn left over from the Traffic Cone. Knowing that Vincent had been playing with it earlier, we called up to him and asked why the yarn was on the staircase.

His reply? "Oh, that is my elevator."

Now how can we grumble about his leaving a ball on the stairs after that reply? It called for a smile, a hug and a demonstration of his totally cool " 'vention".

Oh, and on a total tangent, also mentioned in the post I linked to about the Traffic Cone was a comment about being nice to my sister. I must have been reeeeaaaallly nice because she brought me about 30 pounds of blueberries that she had to pick herself. While on vacation. My sister is the coolest. *mwah* Thanks so much, Squirt!

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