Monday, January 24, 2011

Isabella had a slumber party over the weekend, and I love listening to the girls chatter away in the next room when they don't know I am listening.

All ten girls were playing some convoluted imagination game involving neighboring countries and their governments when I heard my favorite quote of the party:

Girl 1: Attack!!!! Let's invade!
Girl 2: Hey! Don't invade us. We are a peace-loving country.
Girl 1: We know. Why do you think we are invading you??

The politics of war, boiled down to the bare minimum.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

I made the strangest cake today.  The only ingredients are eggs, sugar, ground almonds, baking powder, and five entire clementines - skin, pith and all - topped with dark chocolate.

I found the recipe in Green & Black's Chocolate Recipes, a cookbook that I swear makes me gain weight just by reading it.  No photos, just a simple ingredient list and short set of directions.  The first step of simmering five entire clementines for two hours intrigued me.    

I cheated a little bit and cut in before it sat overnight.  The recipe did say to let it sit so that the flavors could mingle best.  It was truly yummy, and I can't wait to see how it tastes tomorrow. This one is so very easy, but would make a unique party dessert.  It will be made again.

Later this week - Italian Venison Agrodolce from the same book.  Can you tell what cookbook I was reading this last week?

I must have company soon so that I can also try the Salted Caramel Tart.  Luis is not a big chocolate fan, and I don't dare make many of these recipes without others here to eat them with me.  The Clementine Cake here is an exception.  It is practically healthy what with only 1 cup of sugar and one 3 oz bar oc chocolate to balance out those clementines and 3 cups of ground almonds with their healthy proteins and fats.

At least that is what I am telling myself.