Saturday, August 02, 2008

An evening well spent

The smells: candle wax, rosemary, lavender, wine.

The sounds: throbbing drums and melodic vocals with a background of crickets, the clang of finger cymbals.

The sights: hurricane lamp stage lights reflected in a mirror echoed by the flashing of fireflies, the silhouette of potted plants lining the walls of the ruins of the barn as the sun sets.

The tastes: Iranian noodle soup, hummus with pita triangles, rhubarb cobbler, melon

The touches: the squeeze of a friend saying hello, the caress of a baby swaying to the beat and snuggling in as he gets tired, the sharpness of rocks underfoot.

A concert and potluck at the Piazza is a feast for the senses as well as the stomach. Tonight brought Salaam Shalom for our listening pleasure, a twelve person ensemble including belly dancers that played a variety of songs, mostly Middle Eastern or Jewish cultural songs. Terry and Nancy organize these gatherings, and what a wonderful experience they always provide. I do not think I have ever experienced a concert anywhere else quite like those at the Piazza.

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