Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What if?

What if every adult and teen in the United States gave just four hours a month to volunteering in 2009?

What if we gave our time to any service organization on a consistent basis? Any type of volunteering - community service groups, eduction, health care, elderly services, youth programs, environmental programs, social services programs, anything.

Four hours a month. That is one hour a week playing cards with lonely elders at the nursing home. One Saturday morning a month spent gathering donated food for the food pantry. One afternoon a month volunteering in the reading program at the local school or pulling invasive plants along the bike trail. One meeting and action item for a community development committee.

Can you imagine the impact on your nation, your state, your community?

Could you donate just four hours a month to helping our society? Four hours on a bi-weekly basis? Four hours a week?

I am up for the challenge. How about you?

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