Thursday, July 17, 2008

Recent conversation between Isabella and myself:

Me: You know you are my princess.
I: But no one else knows I am a princess.
Me: Does that really matter? You still are a princess to me.
I: Yes. Other people should know I am a princess.
Me: But being a princess isn't about what other people think. It is about acting like a princess, being kind and considerate, being helpful. That makes you a princess.
I: I know. But I still wish that everyone would know that I am a princess.

Do you hear that, world? Princess Bella Bee* would like you to acknowledge her royalty. She is ready and waiting.

*It is actually Princess Bella Bee Bubble Butt, but she gets mad when we say that last part. Really, I cannot imagine why. I just have to add it on mentally.**

**Footnote add-ons inspired by Annie over at The Daily Digress.

1 comment:

Anne Wolfe Postic said...

I love footnotes! Because I always have more to say! And I must compliment you on the footnote to a footnote - love it!

And I hereby acknowledge the Princess-ness of Princess Bella Bee (Bubble Butt).