Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The end of an era

I am getting ready to put aside something that has been a fixture in our home for the last eleven years. How strange it will feel to fully reclaim this space.

Good bye, diaper pail.

Simon has been using the potty consistently even when wearing clothes. Yes, we are big fans of the "let 'em go bottomless" school of potty training. It works, but then they have to learn to use the potty while wearing clothing too, and Simon is doing great.

I thought that putting aside the diapers forever in our household would be a bittersweet milestone, but I have to say that it is not. Maybe I'll feel a bit verklempt when I get around to packing up the diapers themselves, but for now, I am thrilled. No more diaper changes and diaper bags. Forever.

I wonder what other milestones will feel this way as Simon ages?

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