Saturday, September 20, 2008

Reason #8976 I love my area

While at Cheese Days today, we stopped in at the Hospitality Tent to watch locally renowned chef Wave Kasprzak give a food demonstration. Wave is the chef and one of the owners of the four star The Dining Room at 209 Main in itty bitty nearby Monticello, a destination restaurant if there ever was one.

He was preparing Tomato Blue Cheese Bruschetta. I never thought about blue cheese on bruschetta, must give that a try some day. He also made canapes with leeks and prosciutto. The leek mixture smelled heavenly. As he was cooking and giving out the ingredients, he said that recipe sheets would be available at the end.

Then he stopped a second and told us he was not very good with recipes, that he did not use them often. So, he said, if anyone had any question, just give him a call. He would be happy to help.

I love it.

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