Friday, June 26, 2009


I haven't done a random post in while.

~ Does it make me a freak that I am completely unaffected by the deaths of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson? Death is part of life, and I didn't know them personally. Famous people dying and being mourned by so many who never truly knew them feels odd to me. Maybe I am too icy on somethings.

~ Would you use a $1 off coupon at your farmers market? There was one in our paper. I cut it out and intend to use it, but Luis is astonished. There is a minimum $5 purchase with it, and I almost never spend more than $2-3 with one vendor, so whomever I buy from will actually end up with an extra dollar or two after I use the coupon. Or am I just rationalizing and being cheap?

~ Do you ever just tear up with love for your kids? Please, let me be the parent these amazing souls deserve.

~ I want a good set of popsicle molds, like Tupperware made when we were kids. I want to be able to make HFCS-free popsicles for the aforementioned amazing souls.

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